
FirstLife Platform

Click below to access the NLAB4CIT FirstLife platform where you will find a collection use cases at local level of co-design and co-produced services and the enabling technologies that support this process.

Decentralize Community Tool

Click below to download Decentralize Community, a tool designed by Open Lab Athens aiming to support communities and initiatives want to develop alternative and horizontal value exchange systems by using blockchain technologies. It includes a role play game and a sequence of canvases in order to: develop collective rules that meet community’s needs and interests, re-think and raise awareness on ethical and political issues of technology use, and more importantly to empower participants to co-produce social innovation.

Co-design Methodology

Click below to download the NLAB4CIT co-design approach designed by Open Lab Athens for the co-production of a living lab for civic technologies. The tool can be adapted to the specific needs of each contexts. Below the files for translating the Co-Design canvas.

Pastoorsbos redesign with Roblox

Click below to access the customized Roblox virtual area of Pastoorsbos park in Roeselare developed by Howest University of Applied Sciences which enables children to give their input on the project for a new play area. Children playing ‘inside’ the game and working in groups, have a fictional budget and pick out their favourite outdoor play equipment from a drop-down menu and place it where they like it.

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Testo – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc interdum tempus nisl. In pharetra diam ut bibendum pellentesque. Phasellus ut tempus ante. Donec eros augue, molestie vel eleifend vitae, dictum id nibh. Nullam nisi odio, aliquam a risus vitae, condimentum posuere nibh. Curabitur venenatis porta nibh.

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