The NLAB4CIT partners gathered in Turin for a two-day Consortium Meeting. We kicked off in the municipality of Collegno, where UNITO presented the FirstLife platform and how the mapping of use cases works. Next, UNITO presented a draft paper on the concepts of co-production and civic technology. That gave us a theoretical basis to work with in our pilot projects. During lunch, the NLAB4CIT partners got to know some of the local stakeholders from Collegno that will be involved in the pilot project.
In the afternoon, we had a guided tour in the ‘Della Chiessa’ park with the deputy mayor of Collegno. The large park, with a history of psychiatric institutions, will be the main area of the pilot project of Collegno, where the local stakeholders of the park will make use of the CommonsHood application. CommonsHood is a wallet app based on blockchain. It promotes an Internet of Values 2.0 approach that allows citizens to create their own types of tokens to support the local economy: discount coupons, purpose-driven tokens (es. to reward volunteers), time banks, digital collectibles, group buying and complementary currencies. We ended the day with a presentation from OpenLabAthens about the co-design workshop methodology for Collegno: how will the local stakeholders be engaged in the co-production of the CommonsHood functionality?

On the second day of the Consortium Meeting, we visited the beautiful campus of UNITO. We had a small auditorium at our disposal for a full day of presentations about different workpackages of the NLAB4CIT project. After our project coördinantor, UNITO, explained us how to financialy report in European projects, we discussed with HOWEST how to display the website repository of the technologies used in the project. In the afternoon, we explored the evaluation methods for our pilot projects. Both UNITO and OpenLabAthens have proposed evaluation frameworks. Together, we looked for ways to synthesize them. Next, the city of Roeselare presented its pilot project, where local youngsters will be involved in the redesign of a public park. We ended the day with the next steps in the dissemination activities and possible project synergies with similar projects like IMPULSE, TOKEN, QualiChain, and ETAPAS.